
Cookie Policy


This Website Cookie Disclosure Text is prepared by PROFEN COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND SERVICES INDUSTRY AND TRADE INC. (hereinafter referred to as ”PIT” or the “Company”) to provide information about our practices regarding the collection, processing, sharing with third-parties and storage of data with other methods, of the visitors (the ”Visitor(s)“) of the Websites of PROFEN COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND SERVICES INDUSTRY AND TRADE INC. (the “Websites“) and other platforms through the cookies defined below (the “Cookie(s)“), while observing the privacy and protection of personal data of these Visitors.

The purpose of this Disclosure Text is to provide information regarding the processing of personal data obtained through the use by the Site visitors (the ”Data Subjects”) of the Cookies during the operation of the website at (the ”Site“), run by us. This Disclosure Text explains what kind of cookies we use for what purposes on our Site and how these cookies can be controlled.

PIT may discontinue using the cookies it uses on its sites, change their types or functions, or add new cookies to these sites. Therefore, PIT reserves the right to change the provisions of this Disclosure Text at any time. Any changes made on this Disclosure Text will become effective as soon as they are published on the Site or in any public medium.

The PIT web-sites can be visited and information about products and services can be obtained without giving any personal information. Certain types of cookies are used to collect information about the site usage during visits. The purpose of collecting information is to provide convenience to users who visit the Websites and to improve the functioning.


A cookie is a small text file that is saved on your computer or mobile device via your browser when you visit a site. Cookies allow a site to work more efficiently, as well as provide personalized pages for a more convenient and faster visit experience for personal needs. Cookies contain only information about your visit history in an internet environment and do not collect any information about the files stored on your computer or mobile device.

Your personal data is collected based on the legal ground for the legitimate interest of our Company through cookies in electronic environment within the scope of your visit to our Website or due to your use of our application. Your personal data collected can be processed also for the purposes specified in this Disclosure Text within the scope of the personal data processing requirements and purposes specified in the Articles 5 and 6 of the Personal Data Protection Law.


We, as the Company, may transfer your personal data covered by this Cookie Disclosure Text to our suppliers, to our business partners who have organic bonds with the Company (Profen Defence Technolgies and Services Industry and Trade INC. , ICT Telecommunication Industry and Trade INC., Profen Engineering and Construction Industry and Trade INC., and Greenorm Food and Consultancy INC.) and legally authorized public institutions and private persons, limited to the achievement of the purposes specified in this Disclosure Text and within the framework of legitimate interest in accordance with the legislation.


As a company, we use cookies for various purposes on our site and process your personal data through these cookies. These purposes mainly include:

  • Performing the basic functions required for the operation of the Site. For example, members who have logged in do not need to enter their password again while visiting different pages on the Site.
  • Analysing the Site and improving the performance of the Site. For example, the integration of the different servers that the Site runs on, determining the number of visitors to the Site and adjusting the performance accordingly, or making it easier for visitors to find what they are looking for.
  • Increasing the functionality of the Site and to provide ease of use. For example, sharing to third-party social media channels on the Site, remembering the username information or search queries on the next visit of the visitor to the Site.


  • Cookie Types by Duration of Use

There are two types of cookies, being Permanent Cookies and Temporary Cookies, depending on their validity period. Temporary Cookies are created when you visit the Website and are valid only until you close your browser. Permanent Cookies are created when you visit the Website and remain until you delete them or they expire. The permanent cookies are used for processes such as providing a personalized experience compatible with your settings.

  • Cookie Categories Used on the Websites


Technical Cookies


With Technical Cookies, the Websites are enabled to run, and the pages and areas of the Websites that do not run are determined.
Authentication Cookies If the visitors log in to the Websites by using their passwords, such cookies will allow to determine that the visitor is a website user on each page visited on the Websites and thus, the user will be prevented from re-entering his/her password on each page.
Flash Cookies


These are the types of cookies used to enable image or audio content on the Websites.
Customization Cookies These are the cookies used to remember the preferences of the visitors when visiting different pages of different websites. [For example, remembering your chosen language preference.]
Analytical Cookies Analytical Cookies are the cookies that enable the production of analytical results such as the number of visitors to the Websites, the detection of the pages displayed on the Websites, the Website visit hours, and the scrolling movements of the Website pages.


  • Cookies required to be used on the Websites

The cookies that must be used to make the Websites run are Function Cookies, Analysis / Performance Cookies, and Targeting / Advertising Cookies.

These cookies are the cookies that are absolutely necessary for the Web-Site to run properly. These cookies are needed to manage the system, prevent fraudulent transactions, and the Website will not work if they are blocked.

  • Function Cookies: These cookies are the cookies that are used to give you a more advanced and easy-to-use experience. For example, they fulfil the functions of remembering your previous preferences and allowing you to easily access some of the content on the Website.
  • Analysis / Performance Cookies: These cookies are the cookies that enable us to analyse and understand the functioning of the Website and improve the Websites by interacting with you.
  • Targeting / Advertising Cookies: These cookies are used to identify and provide you the content that may be of interest to you, including advertising contents.
  • Third-Party Cookies Used on the Websites

In addition to the Cookies used by PIT on the Websites, some third-parties are also allowed to place cookies on your device and gain access to your device. The use of such cookies is subject to the respective third-parties’ own privacy policies. Such cookies used on the Website are given below, and the third-party advertising platforms listed below have advertising measurement codes. Through these codes, we are able to keep the visitors who visit the Website in the marketing lists and provide targeting specific to them.


Google Ads For more information about the cookie use of Google Ads, please visit:
Facebook Ads For more information about the cookie use of Facebook, please visit:

Linkedin Ads For more information about the cookie use of Linkedin Ads, please visit:

Twitter Ads For more information about the cookie use of Twitter Ads, please visit:

Google Analytics For more information about the cookie use of Google Analytics, please visit:
Yandex Metrica For more information about the cookie use of Yandex, please visit:



You have the opportunity to customize your preferences for cookies by changing your browser’s settings.

Adobe Analytics
Google Adwords
Google Analytics
Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox


In accordance with Article 11 of the PDPL, data subjects have the following rights:

  • to find out whether their personal data has been processed;
  • if their personal data has been processed, to request information related thereto;
  • to find out the purpose of processing of their personal data and whether or not their personal data is used properly;
  • to know about third-parties to whom their personal data has been transferred home or abroad;
  • in case personal data is processed incompletely or incorrectly, to request for correction of their personal data and for notification of such correction to third-parties to whom their personal data has been transferred;
  • in case of disappearance of the grounds that require processing of their personal data although processed in accordance with the provisions of the PDPL and other relevant law, to request for deletion or destruction of their personal data and for notification of such deletion or destruction to third-parties to whom their personal data has been transferred;
  • to object to the emergence of any consequence against themselves through analysis of the data processed exclusively by means of automated systems;
  • if they suffer any loss and/or damage due to the unlawful processing of their personal data, to claim indemnification of losses and/or damages they have suffered.

If you send your requests to us regarding your rights in question using the methods specified in the located at ”PROFEN COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND SERVICES Data Subject Application Form” available at, your application will be evaluated and concluded as soon as possible and within 30 (thirty) days at the latest. Although no fees will be charged for your requests, the Company reserves the right to charge a fee based on the fee schedule determined by the Company.

The Data Subject agrees that if he/she makes any request that will result in the Company’s inability to use any of his/her personal data, he/she may not be able to fully benefit from the operation of the Website, and represents that any liability arising therefrom will lie with him/he.